Dilpreet Singh

A person posing for a photo.


I am a PhD student in the Biofabrication and Tissue Morphology (BTM) group, Queensland University of Technology. With experience in developing Soft Haptics for robotic rehabilitaiton devices and a backgorund in Mechanical Engineering, I am currently working on developing Soft Force Sensors for biomedical applications.


Research Skills

Interpersonal Skills

Technical Skills


Publications Awards Presentations
  • A 3D Printed Soft Force Sensor for Soft Haptics, 2020
  • A 3D Printed Soft Robotic Monolithic Unit for Haptic Feedback Devices, 2019
  • M.Eng. with Distinction
  • B.Tech. with Distinction
  • IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics(RoboSoft)
  • IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)



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